Tuesday, July 15, 2008

SunBriteTV Showcases Weatherproof LCDs

SunBriteTV is showcasing its latest weatherproof outdoor LCDs at booth 134 during 2008 CEDIA Expo.

The 4610HD (46-inch), 3220HD (32-inch) and 2310HD (23-inch) weatherproof LCDs all feature corrosion-resistant, powder-coated aluminum exteriors.

The 4610HD is a full HD 1080p display with a 1920 x 1080 resolution and two HDMI connections.

Read more at:

Thursday, July 10, 2008

nternet program teaches harms of bullying to elementary students

The state Department of Public Instruction and the Children’s Health Education Center have partnered to create Bullyfree Basics, a program for elementary school students that transforms lessons on the dangers of spreading rumors and insulting classmates into animated, interactive games. The collaboration is the latest development in DPI’s effort to address the humiliations suffered in hallways, on school buses and, increasingly, on social networking Web sites.


Friday, July 4, 2008

Grant Announcement

Quaker Company -- Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds Grants:
The Quaker Company focuses its giving on hunger, nutrition and the education
of children in low-income communities. Programs that provide tutoring,
mentoring and coaching, nutrition education, and physical fitness are
funding priorities. http://www.healthinschools.org

US Physical Activity Guidelines

Message from AAHPERD

In October 2006, Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt announced that the Department would develop comprehensive guidelines to help Americans understand the importance of physical activity and how to incorporate it into their lives.

The Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, 2008 is now available. It is the product of the 13 member Advisory Committee and more than 30 additional consultants. You can access the report by clicking the Report link at http://www.health.gov/paguidelines/. The 683 page report can be viewed or downloaded in its entirety or by individual chapter. The report presents and summarizes the Advisory Committee's review of science relating physical activity to a variety of health outcomes. It also addresses the benefits of physical activity for particular subgroups of the population such as children and youth, pregnant and postpartum women, persons with disabilities, and individuals with some chronic conditions. The report will be a valuable resource for students, researchers, or anyone interested in the health benefits of physical activity. This report will provide the scientific basis for the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, which is currently being developed by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for a planned fall 2008 launch.

AAHPERD members are encouraged to review the report and to provide comments to DHHS about the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, 2008. DHHS welcomes views, information, and data relevant to the development of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Comments must be received no later than July 9th. The Committee's Report will not be amended in response to comments. However, all comments will be considered in the preparation of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Further details about providing comments can be found by clicking the Comments link at http://www.health.gov/paguidelines/.

We hope that AAHPERD members will take time to review this report and make relevant comments regarding sections of particular relevance to their expertise or work. Watch for additional information in the Fall about the release of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

Judith C. Young, Ph D.
Vice President for Program