Friday, September 30, 2011

Autom lady-bot will help you lose weight

Aw, this little cutie is so adorable -- until she denies you pizza and cheese fries. Autom, the 15-inch talking droid we first caught a glimpse of last year, is back and available for pre-order. Using the LCD touch screen, hungry dieters are prompted to enter daily calorie consumption and exercise habits -- to which the robot will respond kindly to keep you motivated. With face-tracking capabilities and a killingly sweet death stare, Autom is always watching, which might just make you feel guilty enough to skip the dip. The lady bot costs $195 for the deposit and $670 for the device through company's website.

Take a look:

Thursday, September 29, 2011

eT-shirt from España looks after your heart, minds its bedside manners (video)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

IPhone 5 to Get RFID

Keep your fingers crossed on this - it would have great application for physical education -

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Single Sex Classes - Research

New research on the negative impact of single sex classes:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Using Technology in Physical Education Podcast

Check out our recent podcast at on Using Technology in Physical Education.